Tatay - Genehmigung zur Verwendung von Fotos

Genehmigung zur Verwendung von Fotos

PLÁSTICOS TA-TAY, SA (hereinafter, "TATAY") hereby authorises you to use the photographs of TATAY products attached hereto (hereinafter, the "PHOTOGRAPHS"), commissioned by TATAY, in your catalogues, promotional documentation, shops, establishments, websites and/or online shops.

We would like to inform you that TATAY is holder of all user rights over the PHOTOGRAPHS, worldwide and for the entire period granted for such rights by Spanish Legislative Royal Decree 1/1996 of 12 April, which approves the Revised Text of the Spanish Law on Intellectual Property, and pursuant to the provisions of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

Specifically, this authorisation includes any act involving reproduction and/or public communication of the PHOTOGRAPHS for the purpose of promoting TATAY products..

While this authorisation remains valid, you will be required to:
  1. respect the intellectual property rights of TATAY over the PHOTOGRAPHS;
  2. refrain from modifying or transforming the PHOTOGRAPHS in any way, without TATAY’s express, written authorisation;
  3. refrain from authorising third parties to use the PHOTOGRAPHS without TATAY’s prior written consent;
  4. request prior authorisation from TATAY to make any use of the PHOTOGRAPHS other than the uses set out in this authorisation;
  5. make all changes that TATAY may request in the event that your use of the PHOTOGRAPHS should not be in accordance with the company's philosophy and/or marketing strategies;
  6. withdraw the PHOTOGRAPHS and stop using them in the event that TATAY should request this;
  7. refrain from applying for, or registering, in your own name, any trademarks, trade names, registered names, domain names, etc. that are identical and/or similar to the trademark(s) that identify TATAY products and/or any other content that is the intellectual and/or industrial property of TATAY;
  8. refrain from copying pictograms and any other information that TATAY may supply with the PHOTOGRAPHS for the purpose of promoting third-party items;
  9. accept that any disputes that may arise regarding use of the said PHOTOGRAPHS will be settled pursuant to Spanish law and under the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Barcelona.
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