Tatay - Datenschutzgrundsätze


1. Personal data processing

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), all personal data provided by the Member to us through our website, www.tatay.com/es, the mobile phone app KRONOS (published in Apple Store and Play Store) and through TATAY’s official social media channels will be processed for the purposes indicated hereunder. All that, hereinafter described as the” Website” will be incorporated and processed within the files owned by PLASTICOS TATAY, S.A. (hereinafter, “TATAY”) with the sole purpose of attending your requests and keeping you informed, even by electronic media, about our products and services.

Providing all the information requested through the Website is necessary in order to ensure optimum provision of the services offered to the Member, if all the information required by TATAY is not provided, we cannot guarantee that the information to be provided to Member and the services to be rendered, are indeed provided or rendered or are rendered adequately or adjusted to the needs of the User.

2. Basic information on personal data protection

Data Controller PLASTICOS TATAY, S.A.
Purpose Managing the reception of enquiries on products/services of TATAY and, if consented, sending of information and commercial prospecting.
Legitimación User’s consent
Rights Access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing, data portability and not to be the subject of automated individual decisions.
The right to withdraw consent.
Contact the Supervisory Authority to file a claim.
Detailed information Below, you may consult detailed information on your data protection.

3. Detailed information on personal data protection

3.1. Controller of the processing

The controller of the User’s data is the Spanish Company PLASTICOS TATAY, S.A., c/ Besòs 2 – CP 08170 Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona), España, with Spanish Tax Identification Number A08150583, phone number 935444222 and e-mail rgpd@tatay.es

3.2. Purpose of the processing

The User may provide, voluntarily, personal data, through data collection forms included within the different sections of the Website or, if applicable, of the App, throughout the e-mail directions enabled for those purposes. Providing any personal data through the data collection forms and the e-mail directions of the Website, implies to accept and consent on the processing of such data in the terms indicated herein.

The access from TATAY to the personal data of the User, shall be carried out exclusively with the sole purpose of TATAY being able to take care of the User’s requests and keeping him informed, even by electronic media, about our products and services. TATAY shall not use or apply such data to any other purposes. The consent reaches the following purposes:

  1. Contacting the user and managing the basic tasks of administration;
  2. Properly attending and managing the requests, comments, incidences or suggestions;
  3. Properly attending and managing the budget’s requests sent to us through this media;
  4. Keeping your informed, by electronic media, mobile device (push notifications), or any other media that has been foreseen and facilitated, of offers and personalized discounts from TATAY that might be of your interest;
  5. Carrying out additional services, improvements in our services and the client’s experience when using the Website or the App.
  6. Statistical analysis of visitors in the Web/App and the behaviour of the Users thereof.
  7. If applicable, properly managing your participation in draws, contest and promotions offered by ALSA through this media;
  8. Properly managing the browsing experience within the Website/App.
  9. A “commercial profile” may be elaborated according with the information provided. No automated decisions shall be taken according to the aforesaid profile.

In regard with the processing of your personal data with promotional and advertisement purposes, along with the data collection form, you shall be provided with the appropriate, simple and free of charge procedure so that you can freely give your consent to that effect. The given consent may be revoked at any time and without any cost for the data subject.

3.2.1. Data storage

The provided personal data shall be stored by TATAY as long as a contractual and/or commercial relationship endures, and as long as the data subject does not exercise the rights to erasure, objection and restriction of processing or, if applicable, during the maximum legal term allowed by the data protection regulation, including the prescription of legal actions terms, in attention to a possible responsibility that may arise from the contractual relationship.

In such cases, TATAY shall keep the data blocked, and give it no uses, while that data could be necessary to the exercise or defence of claims or any judicial, legal or contractual responsibility that must be attended and for which its recovery might be necessary.

3.2.2. MMinors

This Web/App is not addressed to under aged children. In any case, children below the age of 16 years shall not send any personal data without the consent given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility over the child. TATAY is not responsible for any personal data provided by a child below the age of 16 years without the appropriate consent.

3.3. Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the data processing of the User is the attention of User’s requests, as well as keeping him informed, even by electronic media, about our products and services. Likewise, the aforesaid basis is not subject to the consent given on unnecessary data to that purposes.

3.4. Recipients

The User expressly authorises TATAY to share his personal data to IQUADRAT INFORMÁTICA S.L., DOONAMIS S.L and HOUSER & HOUSER ENTERPRISE, S.L. so that TATAY, may carry out the purposes herein detailed. When the User provides TATAY with third parties personal data, the User declares that such data is truthful and that has requested for the consent of such third party, whose data is providing, and informed him that such data shall be processed by TATAY in the terms that the User has been informed and has consented through this privacy policy.

Likewise, TATAY shall share the User’s processed personal data with IQUADRAT INFORMÁTICA S.L., DOONAMIS S.L. y HOUSER & HOUSER ENTERPRISE, S.L.

3.5. Right’s exercise

The User’s may exercise the following rights, contained in GDPR, regarding the processing of your personal data:

  • Right to obtain from the controller, confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him is being processed and access to such personal data.
  • Right to rectification or erasure.
  • Right to restriction of processing.
  • Right to objection of processing.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right not to be subject of automated decisions.

The aforesaid rights shall be exercised through a written communication addressed to PLASTICOS TATAY, S.A., Besòs 2 – CP 08170 Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona), España, with tax identification number A08150583, phone number 935444222 and e-mail address rgpd@tatay.es In both cases, the User shall accompany a copy of the Identification Card, Passport or other valid document that identifies the subject. The aforesaid communication shall be made immediately and, in no case, further than the working day following to the reception of the request, along with, if applicable, other information that might be relevant to solve the request.

3.6. Security measures and levels

TATAY has adopted the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the processed personal data and the circumstances of the processing, with the object of avoiding, if possible and according with the state of the art, the non-authorised alteration, lose, processing or access.

Likewise, TATAY ensures the implementation of measures in order to:

  1. Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and permanent resilience of the processing systems and services.
  2. Restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner, in case of physical or technical incidence.
  3. Verify, evaluate and valuing, in a regular manner, the efficiency and technical and organisational measures implanted to ensure the security of the processing.
  4. Pseudonomysation and encryption of personal data, if applicable.

3.7. Scope of application

The structure of files, equipment and information systems with the sole purpose of being compliant to the current regulation on data protection, shall be applied to all the files, temporary or permanent, owned by TATAY, which contains personal data, as well as any equipment or information systems which processes such data.

3.8. User’s consent

The User acknowledges having read and accepted expressly this Privacy Policy when registering in TATAY, giving his unequivocal and express consent to TATAY for the processing of data according with the purposes and services herein stated.

3.9. Commercial and promotional information

The personal data provided throughout this form, shall be object of the processing by TATAY, with the purposes of notifying business content and commercial communications of TATAY.

3.10. Confidentiality and professional secrecy

The data stored through the private communications between TATAY and the clients or Users, shall be processed with absolutely confidentiality, undertaking TATAY the obligation of secrecy regarding personal data, the duty of storing and adopting the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss and non-authorised processing, according with the current data protection regulation.

Furthermore, it shall also be considered as confidential the information of any kind that the parties exchange each other, the information that the parties undertakes to have that nature, or merely the information regarding the content of such information. The display of data through Internet will not entail the direct access to such data, except express consent of the data subject, given in every occasion.

3.11. Changes on the Security and Privacy Policies

TATAY reserves the right to modify its security and data protection policies, with the purpose of adapting to legislative and case law developments, as well as other modifications that may result from standard codes on that matter, or by strategical corporative decisions, with effects at the time of publication of such modification in the Webpage of TATAY.

4. Data communication by the User

Before providing personal data on third parties to the Website, the User shall obtain his previous and express consent, previously informing them of the terms of this Privacy Policy. The user undertakes to keep TATAY harmless before any possible claim, fine or sanction that may be obliged to assume as a consequence of the breach by the User of the duty described above.

5. Cookies

The access to this web may imply the use of cookies. Cookies are tiny text files stored on your browser used by any user so that the server keeps certain information that subsequently may be used. This information allows your identification as a concrete user and to safe your personal preferences, as well as technical information like visits on concrete webpages.

Those users that do not accept to receive cookies or want to be informed before their storage in his computer, may set up their browsers to that effect. For more information, please address to our “Cookies Policy”.

Wir nutzen eigene Cookies und Cookies Dritter, um unsere Leistungen zu verbessern und Ihnen durch die Analyse Ihrer Navigationsgewohnheiten Werbung Ihres Interesses bieten zu können. Sofern Sie die Nutzung unserer Webseite fortsetzen, gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie den Einsatz der Cookies akzeptieren. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen ändern oder hier weitere Information erhalten.